Lessons From Life

It's not often one hears of an I.T. & business consulting company with such a non-techy name.  There's a reason...

Many I.T. firms speak technology very well, but they also see it as the end rather than the means to the end of running an effective entrepreneurial business.  This is how, and why, we are quite unlike other consulting firms and managed service providers.


Technology Should Be Transparent

In the old days, everyone was focused on features, functions, and benefits.  Then some creative salesperson came up with term, "solution."  We like to refer to this as the "s-word." 

The technology landscape is littered with solutions for security, storage, telephone, accounting and finance, CRM, and much, much more.

Unfortunately, it is after a business invests in their second or third solution is when they learn a cold, hard reality:  "Integration" is a four-letter word, and an expensive one at that.

The costs of building the technological bridges to connect two excellent, but totally disparate systems can cost more than the two systems themselves.  Having to manually export data from one system and import it into another requires extra manpower that adds absolutely zero capability to the core business. 

Certain technologies work very well together and others do not.  Like a résumé, there is no one right way of doing things, but at the same time, there are many wrong ways.

While many talk about delivering "solutions;" it is our keen understanding and deep appreciation of key integration points that allows us to deliver a unified ecosystem for our clients.


Taking the Long View

By examining in advance where you want to be a year from now; 3 years from now and even 5 years from now, we help avoid the "shortcuts" that will end up costing down the road.  Do things once, do things right.

Before making an endeavor into a new area of technology with a client, we take the time to analyze the complete set of needs and try to anticipate what might come next.

This helps ensure investments do not incur a buyer's remorse at some point in the future.


A Brief Word About Gadgets, Stuff, etc.

Our livelihood is dependent upon yours. That is to say our primary source of income is from our services not any goods we might be able to provide for you. 

Why do we endorse and / or sell a few select products?

First, the only way to make a living purely from products is to focus on products and do it on a grand scale.  Amazon, Apple, Dell, Staples and Target to name just a few do it quite well and we have no intention, ability nor desire to play in that arena.

So in short, those products and their companies serve as a means to an end.  That end being providing you with the best possible service.

You Have to Know the System

Everyone wants to be an important client.  To large companies that produce products by the millions or even just the tens of thousands, a small business' purchase of a few items is just not going to have any major impact on that company's bottom line.  They rely on various channels of distribution to ensure a client is served by whatever means they choose.

Those channels usually have sales representatives assigned to them to ensure their products get appropriate consideration.  This is where the small business gets its clout.

To a channel sales rep with a modest territory, every sale counts.  They see things at ground level where the mothership cannot from way up on high.  Those companies that represent their products well get the extra attention and resources.

We are very selective in those vendor relationship so we can deliver that level of service you have always wanted but thought was reserved for much larger firms.

It's simply a matter of knowing how the game it is played.  We play it well, so you win.


Standardization Has Benefits

When used appropriately...

The great lessons from Eli Whitney and Henry Ford were that interchangeable parts and mass assembly can dramatically lower the cost of goods.  A modern addition to that proven theory is that it can also lower the cost of service.

Our focus on selecting what we view as the best portfolio of products helps keep costs down which in turn means we can better serve your interests.