Lower Your Operating Costs and Go Green in the Process

You may have seen the flyers in your ConEd bill (or promptly ignored them), urging you to "Call the Green Team."  The fact is, this is one of the easiest things you can do to determine if you are leaving money on the table each and every month.  Money that could obviously be put toward other things like your business.

Among other things, they offer free energy surveys and there are incentives in place that can cover up to 70% of the cost toward upgrading heating, cooling and lighting systems.  Meaning the time to 100% ROI is greatly reduced compared to having to pay for the upgrades entirely on your own.

Even the call is free. 

Contact Information: 

 Other Resources:

For Future Reference:

When it comes time to replace your computers, especially if you have desktop computers; remember you can consume a lot less energy with proper planning. 

Desktop computers, especially ones that run extended hours (for example point-of-sale (POS) terminals), consume large amounts of power simply because they are on for long hours each day.  Often times, they are "over bought."  Meaning far too much horsepower for the task at hand.  Many manufacturers have models that consume very little electricity and yet still have more than enough "horsepower" so you customer are never keept waiting for the system to catch-up.

Have questions?  Please reach out to us.

Posted on January 17, 2012 and filed under Operations.